Anima Universale cooperates with VIDES International (NGO founded by the Salesian Sisters) to help women of any religions and nationalities to live with greater dignity and to get respect for their rights. Here is the prospect of our contribution.
Project Vietnam
Anima Universale undertook the financial engagement of Euro 22,550 required to start-up 82 micro-enterprises in Binh Minh, which will allow 82 women of age between 18 and 40 and their families to live with greater dignity. The aim of the Salesian sisters is to gradually get the contributions back thanks to which those women started working. Therefore the Sisters will be able to set up new micro-enterprises and to help a larger number of women and girls. This will trigger off a process of welfare and development from the bottom.
The project also allowed the sister to buy 2 motorcycles for the frequent travels required by their missionary work.
Project for a role of Women in Pakistan
A formative project against poverty
Six hundred and fifty young women, both Muslim and Catholic, living in the province of Faisalabad, a city in North-Eastern Pakistan, were the beneficiaries of the formative project promoted by WID (Women In Development) in cooperation with VIDES International, entirely financed by Anima Universale
The project gave the young Pakistani women a basic education, professional formation about sewing and knitwear manufacturing, elementary computer science notions, as well as medicines and sanitary support. The most important consequence of the work accomplished has been the development of self-management and autonomous planning capacity, which favoured women's integration into the local labour market.
Freedom from ignorance is the first step towards deliverance from oppression and poverty, but also towards freedom of judgement, of choice, of reflection: all irreplaceable riches.
Biennial Project Tamil Nadu, India
Anima Universale gave Euro 22,588.4 to finance integrally a project for the rehabilitation and formation of street children. The beneficiaries of this project have been three-hundred boys and children of age 5 to 25; girls constituted the greatest part of this group, because they are the most vulnerable and, thus, the more abused, particularly concerning sexual exploitation. Forty girls have been directly housed at the Salesian House Marialaya. The children’s families were actively involved in all activities to awaken them to the importance of education as a way to eradicate poverty.
The project has given a fundamental contribution to the elimination of child labour in the interested area and it will change the way of looking at life and school in the next generations and their families.
Moreover, we consider that school defections will reduce by a significant percentage, giving children the possibility to continue to study and, on the contrary, new registrations will arise.
All the children have learnt to read and write, and they will learn a profession and so avoid being exploited. Three-hundred street children benefit from this action, surrounded by teachers, educators and volunteers who did their best to create for them a friendly and stimulating environment.
Help to the Salesian Mission of Menzel Bourguiba, Tunisia
We publish the email received from Sister Renée Dumortier, FMA responsible for Menzel Bourguiba, in which she describes all that has been realized with the help from Anima Universale.
Un immense MERCI fraternel, cordial et tunisien !...
Thanks to the generous participation of Anima Universale, with the intermediation of Vides International, it has been possible to set up a library (see photographs) that we use for the humanistic formation of students, ex-students and their friends. The ex-students will be able to study thanks to encyclopaedias, dictionaries, books of geography, history and anatomy, atlases,... in Arab and French. This gift allowed us to establish the library, with great joy of all, including teachers and parents. Please find below the list of what we bought for the formation of the young Tunisians of Menzel Bourguiba.
- Encyclopaedias, dictionaries, various books for the library of young students and ex-students
- One washing machine for the Community and the School
- Educational DVDs : formative films
Our gratitude is great. All, adults and children, are very happy with the initiative of this library, which takes many of our ex-students off the street during school hours.
A Tunisians father, teacher for a State lyceum, has made himself available one afternoon a week to show children how to make researches using Arabic encyclopaedia.
Support to Lviv Project, Ukraine
Anima Universale contributed Euro 7,000 to a project for the renovation of a house at Lviv, Ukraine, for the care of poor girls, particularly those coming from nearby villages.
The political, economic and social conditions of Ukraine are dramatic, as are those of many of the Countries detached from former USSR only a decade ago. The city of Lviv, where the Salesian Sisters are working, is the largest in Western Ukraine with one million souls more or less. The population is composed of several nationalities - Ukrainians, Russians, Poles, Armenians - and religions.Here is the letter of Sister Teresa Szewc (Mother Superior of EEG Province), which we received by email:
Visitatoria Europa Est – Georgia “Madre di Dio”
Poslannikov pier.3 str.5 kv. 1
105005 Moskva, Russia
Egregio Presidente
dell’Associazione “Anima Universale”,
con questa lettera desideriamo esprimerle il nostro sentito Grazie per la generosa offerta che ci è pervenuta attraverso il VIDES a favore dei lavori di ristrutturazione del tetto della casa di Lviv (Ukraina).
Il sostegno reciproco, il lavorare insieme, perché molti abbiano “vita”, ci unisce sempre più in quei valori universali che fanno crollare ogni barriera e ostacolo.
La vostra generosità sia ricompensata con ogni bene per ciascuno di voi e per le vostre famiglie.
Vogliate sentire ancora vivo la nostra riconoscenza.
Moskva, 11 maggio 2006
In fede.
Sr Teresa Szewc
(Superiora della Visitatoria EEG)