Swami Roberto is the Founder of Anima Universale and is a special person.
From the time he was just a child, extraordinary, wonderful things happen around him.
His universal and profound vision of the spirit enlightens consciousness and inspires people to lead a more elevated and joyful life, founded on the values of righteousness, non-violence, selfless service and respect for life in all of its forms. He makes us aware of a great truth: Love is almighty… in fact Anima Universale with the unique help of God’s Providence does everything possible to help poor people by carrying on humanitarian work all around the world.
Roberto has a welcome in his heart for all, either believers in God or not. Darshan after Darshan how many people he has comforted, how many tears he has wiped, how much hope he has filled in the most desperate hearts!
Swami Roberto’s darshan in the cloister of Anima Universale monastery in Leini (Turin, Italy).
Testimonies of healing and grace received are countless among those who experiment with his spiritual help and benefit by his illuminating counsel.
“The one who loves can change the impossible”
—Swami Roberto
Swami Roberto’s darshan in the Temple of Anima Universale in Leini (Turin, Italy).
Roberto was born on 9 April 1963 in Turin, Italy, at the foot of the majestic Alps. At the age of six, he was already indicating his future mission to his relatives and to his primary school teacher: the disclosure of Knowledge to those who are seeking a path towards spiritual elevation. Today it is apparent that this was not the eccentric fantasy of a child who moreover – instead of playing with children of his own age – amazed scholars and theologians by conversing with them.
In the early 80s Swami Roberto has lived in accommodation attached to the church of Sassi at the foot of the hill of Superga, in which church He carried out his mission of spiritual teaching and received all the people who were asking for His help and advice.
In that same house Don Giovanni Bosco had also stayed when he went there for the holidays. Afterwards, Swami slept right in the room of the great saint from Turin.
The Church of Sassi (Turin, Italy) where Swami carried out his mission in the 80s.
In 1985 Swami moved to Leini (Turin, Italy) where now stands the big Christian monastery of Anima Universale (Universal Soul).
“Faith and reason together! These are the wings for your spiritual elevation. To wonder, to reflect, to debate, to examine closely… in short to use the intellect is not an accessory.” — Swami Roberto
“The Almighty may always help you to be the good news for those not familiar with Anima Universale [Universal Soul]… and for those who do not know your universal soul, able to welcome everyone, able to truly love them all.
If you do not have a universal soul, you cannot love others, you cannot love anybody. You would only love yourself, and then… that would not be love, but selfishness.
Tell everyone: ‘Look within yourself for your UNIVERSAL SOUL to become able to open your heart to humanity, to the needs of many people who suffer. You are a citizen of the world and live immersed in the Universe of God’.
How could you, son of Eternity, reject your divine right to be a universal soul?” —Swami Roberto
The term Darshan has a highly spiritual meaning and a very ancient origin that can be found in both the Hindu and the Jewish culture.
In Sanskrit Darshan comes from the root d?s – “to see” – and it means “vision of the divine”. In the Hindu religion one can receive the Darshan – God’s blessing – directly from the spiritual presence of God in a temple, or from an incarnated Master – Avatar. The Darshan is an event that takes place mainly at the level of the consciousness, in a deep spiritual interaction with the Swami, who facilitates the spiritual elevation sought by the disciple.
The Hebrew word Darshan – Darosha in Aramaic – comes from the verb DRSH, meaning “to interpret, to explain the Holy Writing”. Its use is reserved exclusively for a religious context. The Darshan was a preacher and teacher of the Torah, who often had the title of rabbi – “Master”. He spoke while seated facing the congregation on a “throne” a little raised. Although the Darshan fulfilled an important pedagogic function, he was expected to do so with a sense of humor and with an attitude of intellectual play – two characteristics that are well-known to those who have had the grace to receive Swami Roberto’s Darshan.