Turin, November 24, 2021
Ramia Davide Ghirardello represented the Church Anima Universale [Universal Soul] at the press conference for the presentation of the permanent installation "TOGETHER AGAINST VIOLENCE" at the Lega Coop Hall in the Parco Dora Shopping Center. The civil authorities representing the City of Turin were present at the event.
The installation is a project of ArteMixia Social Promotion Association and Rosso Indelebile, conceived by the artists Rosalba Castelli and Anna Olmo, and created by the sculptor Denis Valarin.
ramia Davide Ghirardello delivering his speech
The very beautiful and significant work will remain on display in the busy internal square of the Parco Dora Shopping Center, to sensitize a large number of people to the tragedies of domestic and gender-based violence.
Denis Valarin, Anna Olmo, Rosalba Castelli and ramia Davide Ghirardello
The Church Anima Universale wanted to support the worthy activities of the ArteMixia Association, also contributing to the creation of this permanent installation.
Here is the summary of the speech by ramia Davide Ghirardello, monk and psychotherapist:
The Christian Church Anima Universale includes the fight against gender-based and domestic violence among its pastoral activities.
For Anima Universale, being a Christian Church also means fighting the discrimination that too often exists against women in the religious sphere. In our Church, in fact, the priesthood has always been open to women and men, welcoming the person without distinction of gender, unlike what happens in those religious realities that preclude women from accessing the priesthood, denying them a true equality. Anima Universale collaborates in enhancing the role of women also through its commitment to humanitarian works, including the sponsorship of important projects of Catholic religious bodies, to ensure economic self-sufficiency for many women in the poorest regions of the world.
So, when we met the ArteMixia Association, it was easy to get in tune with their work, so much so that we fell in love with the magnificent and significant work of art “TOGETHER AGAINST VIOLENCE” and we decided to contribute to its creation. We too believe in art as one of the best means to shake the human soul and raise awareness. Speaking of awareness, we would like to share a thought from our founder, Swami Roberto:
“How much violence is recorded in your eyes.
Makeup and lipstick don’t hide the bruises in your heart.
That smile doesn’t erase the fear.
Dismay and pain, anger, misunderstandings, and a sense of weakness are your jailers.
Run, escape, shout out loud all the kicks and slaps that the monster inflicts on you.
Rebel against the torture of those wanting to subdue you, and run, run free in the wind.
But first REPORT HIM! Break the silence”.
The permanent installation