Every year thousands of people come to our Ashram at Leinì (near Turin, Italy) from several parts of the world to meet swami Roberto and the ramia Brothers.
The Darshan is the meeting with Swami Roberto to receive his blessing, to listen to his spiritual teachings, to pray with him for the sake of humanity and to call upon grace to overcome life’s problems.
Meeting Swami’s Love is a unique experience, a pilgrimage from sadness to joy, from suffering to peace, from indifference to the awareness of the power of the spirit, which belong to every one, either believer or not.
“Nothing happens by chance. You might live in any place on Earth, but if you need me… at the right moment you will reach me” – Swami Roberto
We, the Ramirian monks, are witnesses to real miracles, the greatest of which is the inner rebirth of those who rediscover their faith in God, the will to live, the self confidence and the capacity to trust their neighbour. All this is wonderful: a ray of light on our way.